Parents » FAQs


Q: Are we within Cheremoya’s Boundaries?
A: The majority of LAUSD schools accept potential students based on the student’s resident residency within established school attendance boundaries; such a school is considered to be a student’s resident resident neighborhood school. To visit the Resident School Identification website click here.


Q: How do I find out more about LAUSD?
A: Second largest in the nation, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) enrolls more than 640,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade, at over 900 schools, and 187 public charter schools. The boundaries spread over 720 square miles and include the mega-city of Los Angeles as well as all or parts of 31 smaller municipalities plus several unincorporated sections of Southern California.

All youth achieving, the mission of LAUSD, is reflected in continued double-digit growth on the state Academic Performance Index (API); the upward trend in the graduation rate, progress in the pass rate on the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and other academic indicators.

LA schools boast more winners of the United States Academic Decathlon championships-12-than any other District in this country. Add to those impressive victories, outstanding individual student and team achievements in: science, mathematics, social studies, language arts, foreign and dual languages, business and entrepreneurial skills, the visual and performing arts, and athletics.

Nationally recognized by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for serving healthy, low fat and vegetarian school lunches, LAUSD’s standards also call for: whole grains, low sodium, locally grown fruits and vegetables and no trans fat; flavored milk or carbonated beverages.

Founded in 1853, the District, today, counts more than 115 new schools and campuses, thanks to the nation’s largest public works project, funded by bond measures, a testament to broad voter support. To read more about LAUSD, visit their website.


Q: What’s A ‘California Distinguished School’?
A: In California, there currently exists an “achievement gap” among student subgroups that threatens their future and the future of California. Access to high-quality educational experiences should be the right of every student in California and it is the responsibility of the schools, districts, county offices of education, and the California Department of Education (CDE) to work together toward that end. The CDE has made closing the achievement gap a top priority and strongly believes that making schools work for all students, regardless of their background, condition, or circumstances, is an imperative for a strong education system and a strong California.

The 2012 Program directly focuses on California’s students and their entitlement to an equitable and rigorous education. The California Distinguished School Award identifies and honors those schools that have demonstrated educational excellence for all students and progress in narrowing the achievement gap.

In order to be invited to apply for Distinguished School honors, schools must meet a variety of eligibility criteria including designated federal and state accountability measures based on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Academic Performance Index (API) requirements. To read more about the California Distinguished Schools program, visit their website.


Q: Where do we pick up an enrollment package?
A: Enrollment Packages for families living within Cheremoya's boundaries are available at the school office and in the Enrollment section of our website.


Q: What do we need if we’re new to LAUSD?

A: The following items are required for students new to the Los Angeles School Unified School District and must be filled out in the English Language:
-Original birth certificate or passport
-Verification of address in the form of an original current utility bill (only electric or gas bills are accepted)
-Original Immunization card (provided by the child’s pediatrician) including the dates of the following required immunizations:
-Required immunizations are: 4 Polio (OPV), 5DTP, 2MMR, 3 Hepatitis B, 1 Varicella (Chicken Pox), Mantoux TB test (must be within one year of starting kindergarten)
-Polio vaccination exception: 3 Polio are accepted if the 3rd Polio was given on or after the 4th birthday
-DTP vaccination exception: 4 DTP are accepted if the 4th DTP was given on or after the 4th birthday
-MMR vaccination exception: 1 Measles only and 1 MMR are accepted if both were given on or after the first birthday
-Copy of student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
-The following items and forms are provided by the school office as part of the enrollment package
-Permanent Health History (white card) – completed and signed by the child’s pediatrician
-Proof of examination by a private physician (orange) – only for incoming kindergarten students
-Dental Health Assessment – completed by a dental health professional and parent/guardian
-LAUSD student enrollment Forms – pages 1 & 2
-LAUSD emergency information card
-Parent education level questionnaire
-Record of prior special programs (attach copy of child’s IEP) if applicable


Q: Students transferring from another LAUSD school?
A: Pupil Accounting Report (PAR) provided by last school attended
Completed enrollment forms provided by the school office


Q: Can we schedule a campus tour?
A: Please contact the Cheremoya Foundation for tour schedule information [email protected]


Q: How many kindergarten classes do you have?
A: It depends on the number of students enrolled, we currently have 1 Transitional Kindergarten and 2 Kindergarten classrooms.


Q: How many classes for the 1st (2,3,4,5,6) grade do you have?
A: Depending on the enrollment, we usually have 2 classrooms per grade, except 6th, there's only one.


Q: How many students does the school have?
A: This year we have 265 students


Q: When are students tested for Gifted & Talented at Cheremoya?
A: For all of LAUSD, students begin being tested for GATE in second grade. You can read more about GATE at Cheremoya here.


Q: What is the split class? Why does the school have split classes?
A: Split classes are needed to keep our class sizes small. We currently have 4/5 split.


Q: What kind of enrichment classes kids have?
A: Kids have art, music, drama, coding. YMCA Play Program is once a week.


Q: Is there uniform?
A: No. However, we do expect parents and children to follow LAUSD’s guidelines regarding proper dress attire when on campus.


Q: What is a Closed Campus?

Cheremoya follows LAUSD's Closed Campus policy, which means that during school hours, our campus is "closed" with all doors & gates locked.  This is to ensure the safety of our students.  This also means that parents (unless they are volunteering) may NOT stay on campus during school hours.  Once the bell rings at 8:00 parents may not stay on the playground, patio, or hallways to peek into classrooms.  We understand it is exciting to see your child in class, but it can be distracting to their learning, and it is against LAUSD safety compliances for you to be there.  

If you are volunteering in classrooms, you MUST SIGN-IN AND SIGN-OUT at the office, no matter how long your visit.  According to district policy, any volunteer who stays longer than 16 hours per week must provide a TB test and register their fingerprints with the district.  More information is provided here.


Q: How many spaces do you have this year for an Open Enrollment?
A: Number of spots change yearly. For 2019-2020 school year we have 45 Open Enrollment spaces. 


Q: Is there an after school program?
A: Yes, MANY OPTIONS for all! We have available STAR INC. for paid enrichment after school classes. These offereings change 4 times a year (twice per semester.) We also offer flexible pick-up after school extended-care and enrichment that is provided by PRIMETIME SPORTS. Cheremoya also participates in LAUSD's BEYOND THE BELL via our YS and YDP programs for after school extended care. More information here.